Saturday, January 05, 2013

Clootie Dumpling

A traditional Scottish Pudding, this is very rich. My aunt would make this at Chistmas and put silver sixpenses in as gifts. So you had to be careful what you were putting in your mouth.


1 1/2 lb self raising flour
8 oz suet
1 1/2 lb mixed fruit
3/4 lb brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
a pinch cream of tartar
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3 teaspoon mixed spice
milk to mix


Mix all dry ingredients, add fruit and mix with milk to a firm consistency.  Wet a suitable cloth (eg a plain teatowel) and wrap dumpling mix loosely, tying at the neck. Boil for approximately 3 hours in a large pot, keeping water topped up at all times. When cooked take out of cloth, place on a plate and heat for 20 minutes in a medium oven.

I expect this could be adapted to cook in a slow cooker.

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